Our character for today is 们
Simplified Chinese character: 们
Traditional Chinese character: 們
(The right hand side of the character has been simplified in the simplified character version)
This character is pronounced men in a neutral tone, because you’ll always see it as the last character in a word.
What it means:
们 is used to make pronouns plural.
For example:
我 wǒ – I 我们 wǒmen – we
你 nǐ – you 你们 nǐmen – you (talking about a number of people)
他 tā – he, she 他们 tāmen – they
You can also add it to certain nouns to make them plural (not all nouns though).
朋友 péngyou – friend, 朋友们 péngyoumen – friends
Let’s break it down:
The left hand side of the character is the person radical (亻), and the right hand side
is pronounced mén, similar to the pronunciation of this character, therefore it
indicates the pronunciation